How to Get a Free or Nearly Free Divorce in California?

How to Get a Free or Nearly Free Divorce in California

Divorce can be expensive, but there are free or nearly free ways to get a divorce in California. Here’s what you need to know about free and low-cost divorces in the state of California.

To get a free divorce in California, you need to meet the following criteria:

– You and your spouse have an agreement on all issues, including child custody.

– There are no children between you and your spouse (if there is a child under 18, talk to an attorney about free divorce in California).

If you meet all these conditions but want to get free legal advice or representation from an attorney, consider contacting the Legal Services of California.

If you don’t meet all the criteria for a free divorce in California, there are still ways to get a low-cost divorce. The most common way to reduce the cost of a divorce is by agreeing to split costs between you and your spouse. This could include things like splitting the cost of an attorney, splitting the cost of court filing fees, or sharing the cost of getting a divorce certificate.

If you and your spouse can’t agree on how to split costs, here are some other tips for reducing the cost of divorce:

– Try to complete as much of the legal paperwork yourself as possible. This could include things

Who Qualifies for a Free Divorce in California?

Generally, if you have been a resident of California for at least six months and meet certain financial requirements, you may qualify for a free divorce. In order to qualify for free legal representation through the Court’s Family Law Facilitator Program, your income must be below a certain level.

The free divorce program is available in all counties throughout California, and it also includes the preparation of certain documents such as a marital settlement agreement or child support declaration. You can find free legal assistance through your county’s superior court website; you should look for either “legal aid” or “family law facilitator.”

Free divorces are not always guaranteed to be completely free: if you decide that hiring an attorney would help you handle the case more efficiently than with free services, then there may be additional costs associated with your representation by an attorney. Divorce mediation might allow parties involved in a divorce to settle issues out-of-court without going before a judge at the trial level, and can often be less expensive than a free divorce.

Low Income and Free Divorce Options

If you are low-income, there are free and nearly free divorce options available to you in California. The most common way to get free help with your divorce is to go through court-sponsored programs. This will require you to file for free in the family law courts, which also means hiring a lawyer on legal aid’s salary.

There are several jurisdictions that offer free legal services. However, it varies by county and city so you’ll have to check out what free resources are available in your area of California before making any decisions about how you want to proceed with getting divorced without paying too much money along the way.

The California Courts Self-Help Center is a an online resource that can help you get free divorce information, referrals to free legal aid programs in your area, and free online workshops if you are filing for a no-fault uncontested divorce.

Free Divorce Options Available in California:

– court-sponsored programs;

– online legal services;

– workshops through the courts self-help center.

Steps to File for a California Divorce

– Determine if you meet the residency requirements: In order to file for a divorce in California, at least one spouse must reside in the state for six months and reside in the county where they plan to file for three months.

– File your Petition for Divorce: This document is what starts your divorce case. Be as thorough as possible, listing all assets and debts, as well as any custody or support arrangements you would like to request. You will also need to state the grounds for divorce – California recognizes no-fault divorces, meaning that either spouse can file without having to allege a reason.

– Serve your Petition for Divorce: Once you have filed your Petition For Divorce, you will have to serve it on your spouse. In California, a divorce can be served by any person over the age of 18 who is not involved in the case and doesn’t have an interest in its outcome.

– File your Response: Your spouse has 30 days from when they are served with the Petition For Divorce to file their Response (sometimes called an Answer). Once filed, both parties will appear before a judge within 60 to 90 days for a hearing date and enter what’s known as “judgment.”

– Wait out the six-month waiting period: This part isn’t fun but if you want free or nearly free legal help then this step may be one that you must follow through.


Getting a free or nearly free divorce in California is possible, but there are some steps that you must follow. Make sure to meet the residency requirements, file all necessary paperwork, serve your spouse and wait out the six-month waiting period. If you can manage these steps, you will be able to save yourself a lot of money on attorney fees.